HOAPS/GPCC global daily precipitation data record with uncertainty estimates using satellite and gauge based observations (at 1.0° and 2.5°, at 0.5° only Europe)

2016 - Version 1, Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC, http://gpcc.dwd.de ) at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)

Andersson, A. | M. Ziese, F. Dietzsch, M. Schröder, A. Becker, and K. Schamm

Homogenized historical German radiosonde measurements (project MOSQUITO/MiKlip)

2014 - v001, DWD Climate Data Center (CDC)

Pattantyus-Abraham, M.

Historical German radiosonde measurements (Project MOSQUITO/MiKlip)

2014 - v001, DWD Climate Data Center (CDC)

Pattantyus-Abraham, M.

GPCC First Guess Daily Product at 1.0°: Near Real-Time First Guess Daily Land-Surface Precipitation from Rain-Gauges based on SYNOP Data, Globally Gridded Daily Totals

2013 - Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC, http://gpcc.dwd.de/) at Deutscher Wetterdienst

Schamm, K. | M. Ziese, A. Becker, P. Finger, A. Meyer-Christoffer, B. Rudolf, and U. Schneider